MAY 25, 2018

Already mid 2018. Things are cruisin at JOMUSIK, doing a variety of projects for a variety of people. I've been posting more videos of interview questions-check out my Youtube channel-

Had a nice article in Voyage Dallas Magazine, highlighting the studio and myself.

We've been doing more mastering, and have added tools to that end. Open Heart Musicals has begun its second book for Choristers Guild, and the first one- "Praise takes Flight" is in its second printing. JOMUSIK also just completed re-recording and producing a musical for Dianne Beckstead called "No Crib For A Bed".  She's out of Pittsburgh, and we appreciate her coming to Dallas to do her project. Not a lot of folks out there with a lot of experience producing musicals. A solid hour or more is way different than a collection of tunes, not to mention dialogue, sound effects, and a lot of ensemble singing. We are blessed to have a lot of talent in the dallas area.

We also just finished 15 tunes for Harry Hewlett-very fun stuff. Harry's a great story teller-look for his album "Garbageman" coming out soon on a cloud near you.